Add minor changes
This MR contains changes based on minor comments raised by Naohiko. Mayor points are already addressed in !4 (merged) by @vsemkova. The remaining list follows here:
23533 002-005 ERR-3: Move to 0.25% in COMMON to reduce redundancy. -> Not implementing. This change would make the file less machine readable. Having explicit error values is better than implicit ones.
23658 -
001 ERR-ANALYS: Move to 002-005. -
002-005 Add ERR-2=0.25%. -> Isn't this already covered by the _(ERR-2,,,F) Normalisation (delta-N/N=0.25%)_ statement?
006-012 REACTION (SF5-SF8): -
,WID,,G -> ,WID,,RM/G -
,WID -> ,WID,,RM
23790 -
002,004, EN-DN: 1295.25 keV -> 1219.25 keV `-> already fixed by @semakova -
Does this also apply to 016?`
011 DATA: 0.040 -> 0.40 -> this data point is not part of 011 any more
23791 006-007 REACTION(SF8): Add AV. -
23851 002 REACTION(SF5-SF8): BA,AMP -> BA/INC,AMP (new code) if it gives an incohelent scatering length for a bound atom. -
23852 -
002 STATUS(SUPPL): Nurton -> Neutron
@vsemkova What is your opinion on the open points? Could you cross check the minor changes implemented here?